My First Time Driving a Hovercraft: The Brooklyn Bridge Was Everything

So, I did something totally epic – I drove a hovercraft! Yeah, you heard me right. Not just sat in one. I drove it, and honestly, I was a total natural. Who knew?

It all started with me signing up for a hovercraft tour with Hover NYC, just expecting to sit back, relax, and take in the sights. But then, they asked if I wanted to take the controls for a bit. Ummm, YES?! So, there I was, gliding through New York Harbor, zipping around like I had been doing this my whole life.

Of course, cruising past the Statue of Liberty was unreal. Seeing her up close, with no tourists blocking my view, felt like I had the whole harbor to myself. But the real moment came as we approached the Brooklyn Bridge. Let me tell you, seeing that massive architectural masterpiece from the water – especially as you're driving right toward it – is completely breathtaking.

From a distance, it’s this looming structure, and you can’t help but feel a mix of excitement and awe as you get closer. The details in the stonework, the massive arches, the crisscrossing steel cables – it all comes together in such a beautiful way when you’re looking up at it. And let’s be real, how often do you get to see the Brooklyn Bridge from that angle?

As we glided underneath, it felt like the whole world paused for a second. I could actually hear the hum of the city above, but it was just me, the hovercraft, and this insane view. Passing under the arches, the sense of scale hit me. It's one thing to see it from above or across the river, but from beneath? Total game changer.

I had this moment of pure awe where I felt so tiny, but also like I was part of something so much bigger. That’s what’s so cool about seeing the city like this – you get new perspectives on things you’ve seen a million times.

Honestly, driving that hovercraft under the Brooklyn Bridge? I’ll never forget it. The view, the freedom, the excitement – it was next-level. If you ever get the chance, do it. You’ll thank me later!


Hover NYC: Unique Tours of New York City